On the last day before the opening of a clothing store owner appeared. He has already managed to approve the design, say "yes" with respect to commercial equipment and even personally present at the selection of the range. In thought he walked four hundred square feet of retail space. Everything was fine, but something was missing ... "And the staff?" - In horror he exclaimed. Do not laugh, this is a true story. What you do not forget to open your store? The following is a checklist developed bythe three store managers, who wished to remain anonymous.
1. Selecting ideas store. The most pressing issue. Do I need to market what you are going to sell? What are the potential competitors in their chosen field? Large, medium, or small shop? Think about what will shape the organization of trade - over the counter, self-service or mixed? One store or chain?
2. Identification of potential buyers. Who will come to your store? Are you sure that they are interested in your products? That's what you think or potential buyers? But not if they lied? Be sure to socialize with your target audience in advance. And find out who lives next door.
3. Range. What assortment of goods will be on your shelves? What competitors are selling and whether this demand? Will you sell accessories? Are you going to allocate space for tenants, bank branch, or exchange the item, its own mini-production?
4. Financial calculations. The business plan should be drafted as carefully as possible. Most costs are incidental expenses. So multiply their calculations on two. Do you have enough money to bring his idea to life? It is better to immediately place the funding priorities than to lay off staff because no money to pay his salary.
5. Legal aspects. You have compiled a list of necessary documents? Did you remember to get a license? A main regulatory instrument (SDT)? A full set of initial permit documentation (IPD) have prepared? All documentation must be certified and approved. Do not forget that almost always documented delayed. Try to meet all the requirements, recommendations and regulations to the maximum extent - it will reduce the number of occasions for testing and fault-finding.
6. Name of the store. Who coined the name for your store? Why did you decide that this is a good name? And there is the possibility of its remake into something discordant? And what they think about it the potential buyers? Ask them to shop with whatever name they would come with pleasure.
7. The choice of location. Store should be located so that, before it can be easily reached. Also consider: do you store the residents of this area? Will it go to other areas? And who, exactly?
8. Design. Before selecting the room is consider the appearance and interior design store. Imagine your next shop: it looks like inside and out. Do not forget that phrases like "I want to make it all nice" everyone sees differently, especially designers. So put them specific tasks. And make sure they understand you. A document on outdoor advertising, no way are the sign and the other booths and panels, have you received?
9. Selection of the room. You'll build their own, buy or rent a space? In any case, the premises must be suitable in size and design. When you choose to remember about the technical conditions of external communications systems, such as electricity, water, heating and cooling, ventilation and air conditioning, telephone and internet lines, security systems, etc. Decide whether you need interior service entrance with the possibility of Entrance trucks. What should be the back rooms? It is convenient if they are located? Do they fit all that you want to sell? Do not forget - parking, well-groomed okolomagazinnoe space will create a favorable impression of your store.
10. Equipment. The important point is the timely selection and ordering of trade and technological equipment from specialized companies. Does it specificity and level of your store? Be sure to consider the area of ??your store. You have to put the purchased equipment so that between them it was convenient to go to buyers? A color scheme of equipment and interior design the same? Cash register equipment affect customer traffic. Take care of its modernity, convenience to the cashier and the required amounts.
11. Suppliers. What are you guided us in choosing a supplier? Focuses on price, product quality, location, provider, indicators of firm performance (commitment, punctuality), scheduled deliveries. You will be working with one or more? Long-term relationships with stable suppliers will save not only money but also your nerves. Consider support from the vendor in the form of training for the product to retailers, POS-materials, or advertising. Must be evaluated vendors willing to fulfill your requirements.
12. Logistics and inventory systems. Think about the volume and frequency of deliveries. Depending on the distance between the supplier and the volume of supplies should be chosen form of transport. Do not forget to insure the goods transported. Take care of the correct placing of items in stock. To improper transportation, unloading and storage of goods shops are losing big money. It is better to mark each item is in stock. On the one hand, will trace the path of domestic goods, to facilitate the accounting system, and on the other - will prevent peresortitsu and theft.
13. Interior design and display of goods. Are you familiar with the rules of merchandising? Or posted as goods have to (ie, fit)? You most convenient to consider the product and take it off the shelves? And where are the price tags? Do not forget that they should be legible and located in close proximity to the goods. Placing advertising information should not cover an overview of other goods.
14. Recruitment. Staff - people they depend on turnover and profits to your store. Staff should be planned in advance and not be limited to a set of "an acquaintance". How many people should work? In one shift or two? That governs their behavior at work? Will your store introduced a special dress code for employees? Do you want the hiring manager or simple need to find the present director of personnel?
15. Training. Pre-training will have to create the initial stage of organized team, lay the seed of corporate culture and acquire the necessary work skills and knowledge. Your salespeople are able to sell? Why do you think so? And managers are able to manage? Would they use every minute you with questions? Write a list of what needs to know and be able to your dealer, and think about what the list needs to be taught.
16. Advertising. Informational support will attract more buyers. How are you going to open shop? This will show a special event or sale at reduced prices? And how will you attract customers after the store opens? Try to any event held at the store (such as discounts for pensioners on Monday), was information, and pretext reported in the media.
17. Tenants of vacant space. Despite the fact that renting your space makes money, you must carefully choose their neighbors. Do not let style or image of the tenants destroyed the integrity of the idea of ??the store. For example, if you sell sporting goods and propagandiruete healthy lifestyle - Avoid proximity to the tobacco and alcohol products.
18. Security. How do you protect your store? Depending on your budget and whether you can combine different anti-theft equipment. The introduction of antitheft protection system will prevent the removal of the goods unpaid goods from the store. There are also video surveillance systems, special mirrors and surveillance systems and analysis of operations cashier.
So, ask yourself one last question: do not forget (a) whether anything I absorbed the hassle of opening the store?
With answers to these questions will prepare the foundation for the further successful development of our store. The stronger the foundation, the more storeys can be built and the longer it will stand for our building. Solid foundation for the store - 50% of its future success.
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