It is believed that money was the main vender of infection and germs. And it is not surprising. It is terrible to think of how many hands can go for their "life" of the average bill, and any viruses it may ponahvatsya there. Is it for the money so much infection, as commonly believed, or that all the stereotypes? Try to understand.
Banknotes live very long. Bill may be in circulation from 6 months to 3 years. It depends on the size and value. For example, least of all life lasts 10-ruble note,while most LP - banknotes in 5000 rubles.
The opinions of scientists and professionals about the dangers of banknotes strongly disagree. For example, an Australian scientist Frank Vrayskul conducted the study, in which came to the conclusion that the conventional wisdom that the money you can pick up any disease that is greatly exaggerated, and little money to pathogenic bacteria. The likelihood of infection exists, but it is not as great as people think.
As a result of his research, scientists discovered that one square inch of metal coins have 1.2 bacteria. However, some coins, participated in the experiment, and was completely sterile. On paper money had more germs - an average of ten per square centimeter.
But as far as species diversity, it showed up on the money and E. coli, and Staphylococcus aureus, and Bacillus cereus, causing food poisoning
However, in Australia in the manufacture of paper money is not used, a thin plastic, which is much less susceptible to contamination. And there better our environment. So the optimistic results of the study Vrayskula can hardly be attributed to all world currencies.
But Russian scientists have bacteria on money raised serious concerns. Kemerovo medical experts concluded that the Russian denominations live several hundred species of microbes that can cause serious illness. On average, for each bill are about 500 species of bacteria. On our money abound spore and E. coli, and Staphylococcus spp. The most "dirty" and rich in bacteria was 10-ruble note. The reason is clear: small bills are used much more frequently. But the 500-ruble banknote microbes almost was not.
Doctors seriously worried about the abundance of bacteria on our money. After all, people are more common causative agents of tuberculosis, skin and intestinal diseases, many of which people may have picked up exactly with the bills. After all, in order to catch the virus, it is sufficient to hold the bill, and then, without washing your hands and start eating, for example, or apple pie.
The greatest danger dirty bills are for people with weakened immune systems, the elderly, children and people who are on duty constantly have to deal with money - the sellers, cashiers, personnel exchange points.
On the bills in general can be found almost all the diversity in the world of bacteria and germs. This E. coli, mold, staphylococcus, dysentery, typhoid fever, salmonellosis, and others. In India and at all on banknotes agents of tuberculosis, syphilis and pneumonia.
By the way, the flu is transmitted through the same money. Bacteria flu, hitting the notes, they live up to 17 days. It is found Swiss scientists who conducted the study at the request of the bank, whose staff feared influenza pandemic.
If we talk about the problem on a global scale, the dirtiest in the world is the Chinese renminbi note (ZHMB, bill of 100 yuan). As it turned out as a result of studies on each of these bills are at least 180 000 bacteria, and some smaller bills - up to 37 million. Denominations are rich in such infections as E. coli, hepatitis B virus group B (connectedness), streptococcus, mold, salmonella, and others.
Still, if we compare our notes with dollars and euros, then we have gone far ahead of their counterparts in terms of "contamination" bacteria. On the U.S. is much less bacteria, and the euro and did them there is little, since bills are handled by a special solution to prevent bacterial growth.
What more can be found on the money?
Thus, the bacteria are more or less clear. However, it turns out, the money can be found not only them.
For example, scientists from Washington came to the conclusion that in the U.S. to 90% of U.S. banknotes have traces of the cocaine. 95% of dollar bills, studied in Washington DC, contain a small amount of potent drugs, including cocaine. A similar situation was also noted in U.S. cities Baltimore, Boston and Detroit.
Traces of cocaine can remain on the bills in rolling them into tubes for inhaling cocaine or transmission in transactions involving the sale of drugs. Studies have examined dollar bills out of the 30 cities in the United States, Canada, Brazil, China and Japan.
The lowest percentage of traces of cocaine on the bills was reported in China and Japan, respectively 20% and 12%.
But scientists from Germany and made a shocking discovery at all. They found that for each (!) German banknote stored pieces of cocaine. Of course, they do not carry health risks, but the fact is striking.
In the same Germany a few years ago with the money began to occur almost mystical things. Banknotes were literally crumble in your hands. The explanation of this "mystique" was found later. It turned out that the reason lay in the drug called methamphetamine, which at the time drug dealers are actively supplied to Germany. Substances which it contained in the interaction with a human and then formed a harsh acidic compounds. They lead to the destruction of the money that was used for drug methamphetamine.
How to wash their money?
Nor, for the money so much infection, you probably need to be ways, as they "wash" and decontaminated. And they are. Each country has its own.
For example, the euro is almost no bacteria, as they are released immediately coated with the composition, which prevents the growth of germs and bacteria.
In some countries, money is disinfected with ozone and ultraviolet light.
In Japan, the most crowded places are kupyurootmyvochnye apparatus. They entered the dirty money, the unit heats them up to 200 degrees, treated with special solutions, and issues already washed and straight from the tin bills.
And in India, do not bother with high technology and special solutions for the "washing" money. They simply wash with soap and water bills. In India, even thriving profession "washer" of money.
In Russia, too, know the problem of dirty money and are looking for methods of cleaning them. Goznak as an experiment, let the party bills on the special anti-microbial paper. However, until now, all that is in the process of experiments and research. A disinfecting cuts, when they are already in circulation in Russia has not carried out. So, be careful and follow the basic rules of hygiene after contact with the money: Wash your hands.
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